Food suppression is the main function of the teeth, therefore all activities like pinching, tooth whipping, sucking a finger, pinking of a pencil, image or nibbling on the nails are considered para-functional activities.
Snoring is an unhealthy habit that develops in the childhood, and it damages teeth and gingiva. It is estimated that 30% of children, 45% of teenagers and 10% of adults nibble nails. The basics of these habits are of a psychological nature: stress, nervousness, frustration, tension, all stimulate nibbling. The hint of nibbling nails has a bad effect on health. The area under the nails is full of bacteria like e.coli and viruses that are fed into the body by biting.. They are easily transmitted, with frequent fingers in the mouth, rattles can easily spread to the mouth and face. Mending soft tissues around the nails with teeth, creates wounds that result in redness, swelling and pus, as if the bare and bite nails are susceptible to infection. When grinding nails, teeth are at the edge of the edge, which for years leads to their misuse, poor position of the teeth, teeth can become distorted, and gingival infection can very often occur. This is a problem that can not be ignored, although it is difficult to discontinue it with a bad habit because it is related to the psychological state.
Children and adults do it unconsciously. There are nail polish bites that can help with the nibbling of nails or sucking the thumb. If after this continues the poor habit it is necessary to seek medical help.

The toothbrush is one of the most important items for maintaining oral hygiene. We are sure that you have often found yourself in a store in front of a shelf where there is an assortment of oral hygiene and you do not know which toothbrush to choose. Some people will choose the cheapest one, others the most expensive one because they believe that means the best. Some of you will wisely read everything that the brush can do. Well, some brushes say that they are used to clean the tongue and they polish the teeth. The choice is great but the truth is still different. Often we find toothbrushes that can cause trauma of the dental meat, regardless of price.If we want to generalize, then it is desirable to choose a soft toothbrush that will not cause any trauma or withdrawal of the dental meat. Logically, if we persistently rub in one place with something rough every day, this place will suffer. It is the same with living tissue around the teeth and even with the tooth itself. Luckily we can find plenty of quality soft brushes on the market that work very well and if used in a proper manner described above, the teeth and surrounding tooth tissue will remain healthy for years.
How often do you change your toothbrush?
We are sure that you often hear the phrase “change the brush every three months.” Did you think of this when you bought the brush you are using now?
Check it out! Remember the day, the date? We will try to compare this with something else, for example with cars and fuel consumption. By the book a car spends 4l per 100km in ideal conditions, but it is different in real life when all factors are taken into consideration. The toothbrush can last for 3 months if after each brushing it is well washed, dried and stored properly. If you maintain the hygiene of the brush well , it can be used for 3 months, but if you notice that the hairs are damaged, replace it before 3 month period of use.

One of the most common diseases of the oral mucous membrane is afta. We believe that you have experienced the discomfort and pain that they bring. Their name comes from the Greek name aftal which means grilling. Afti are small, sick wounds that occur inside the oral cavity, with tendency of frequent appearance. They are commonly present on the moving parts of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the tongue, mucous membrane of the cheek, or the lips.They cause pain disproportionate to their size and impede the everyday functioning of the person (eating, ingesting, speaking). The unpredictable start and intensity of the pain make the ulcer very inconvenient and difficult to bear disease.
Are aphthi dangerous?
Aphthae are not dangerous, but they can be very painful and irritating, especially if they occur frequently. It is important to note that aphthae are not contagious, that is, they can not be transferred from one person to another. They are a disease of the younger population, often appear in children, girls and younger women more than in the elderly population. The disease is more common in people with higher socioeconomic status, in people who are more exposed to stress, and sometimes there is a family predisposition.
Apples? Aphthae occured most often in the period from the 10th to the 19th century, and with some people their appearance decreases with age. About 10-25% of the population suffer from this disease. Several days before their occurrence the place may be felt as itchy or tingling.
What are the apthae?
Apthi can occur in three clinical forms:
Small apthae
Small aphthae appear on the mucous membrane of the cheek or lips, 2-3 together and most often disappear within 10 days, leaving no scar. The area where the ulceration breaks out first is reddish and painful and a round wound with a regular edges and a yellowish gray roof appears shortly afterwards.
Big aphthi
Large aphthi last for several weeks since they slowly heal because they are deeper wounded. Large aphthae are less likely to be properly shaped, very painful, treatment lasts for weeks and they often leave scars.
Large apertures that resemble herpes (the so-called herpetiformis)
These aphthi are very painful, small ulceration (1 to 2 mm) that most commonly appear on the mucosa, the tongue and mucous membrane of the cheek.
What are the symptoms of the aphti?
Symptoms are tingling and pain that worsens if the patient eats hot or spicy foods. Severe forms of aphthae can cause elevated body temperature, swelling of the neck lymph nodes and feeling of weakness.
Why Are the aphti?
The real reason for the occurrence of aphti is unknown, but there are predisposing factors such as the following:
Family predisposition
Anemia, due to lack of iron, folic acid and vitamins from the B group
Neutropenia (reduction in the number of neutrophilic blood leukocytes)
Allergy and sensitivity of certain food ingredients (gluten and preservatives)
Emotional stress
Physical exhaustion
Metabolic disorders
Hormonal disorders
How are we preventing and treating swine fever?
Primarily we try to prevent pain with surface anesthetics, flushing with different liquids, then it can follow calmness of the inflammation with the use of catricosteroids, improve epithelization and raise the resistance of the body.
Prevention of aphti is a difficult task, and the only way to succeed is healthy eating, improving the immune system, and avoiding stress as much as possible.

Have you ever woken up with pressed teeth and pain in your jaw? Or you may have noticed that teeth whiskers ?! If yes, it is bruxism.
Bruxism excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching at night while we are sleeping. Patients with the teeth of the lower jaw climb over the surface of the teeth on the upper jaw and thus irreversibly damage them.One of the symptoms of bruxism is pain in the area of the ear, eye, jaw and chewing muscles. All these symptoms if ignored can lead to excessive teeth wear, damage to the supporting device and jaw. The main cause of bruxism is stress and anxiety in adults as well as the growth and development of teeth in children from the 4th to the 6th year. Most people often do not know what actually happens with their teeth at night while they sleep, until the moment when their life partner, who cannot normally sleep, mentions it. The dentist also noticces the loss of enamel and the excessive use of teeth during the inspection. We often hear patients when they come to our clinic with damaged ceramics after prosthetic therapy, claiming they sleep well t so they do not understand how the damage to the protic construction occurred.
How to Get Rid of Bruxism?
The answer is simple – to live without stress. But, as you know, it is not so simple nowadays. Therefore, it is first necessary to deal with all possible reasons that led to bruxism, and then an individual protective rubber is placed on the teeth every night before bedtime thus the symptoms caused by grinding the teeth are reduced. If you have questions related to this topic or in general about the health of your teeth, feel free to arrange a checkup.