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HALITOSIS or bad breath
Bad breath may result from poor oral hygiene, poor food habits and other habits, but it can also point to certain health problems.
1. Good or irregular oral hygiene
The food we eat starts to break down in the mouth. If we do not maintain oral hygiene, the remaining particles of food with their decomposition cause an increase in the number of bacteria in between teeth, tongue and other parts of the mouth. The teeth should be brushed at least twice a day with a toothpaste based on fluorine and a soft toothbrush with a smaller head that can easily reach the most accessible places in the mouth. In addition to brushing the teeth, a dental floss should be used, as well as appropriate interdental brushes, and should be treated with antibacterial guides. The prostheses and mobile orthodontic devices should also be kept clean and occasionally disinfected with the means for that purpose. The dentist you should visit at least 6-9 months.
2. Food and other habits
It is known that certain items such as garlic and onions can cause an unpleasant smell from our mouth. Consuming coffee and alcoholic beverages, a large amount of sweet products and smoking, also contribute to an increased number of bacteria in the mouth. Some of the nutritional products that refresh the breath are those that are rich in water and fiber. They are fresh cucumbers, red peppers, broccoli, aromatic plants and yogurt. For the regular washing of the oral cavity of bacteria, it is crucial to infuse water in large quantities and create a greater amount of saliva with chewing gum.
3. Health problems
If you have taken all of the above, and the poor breath of the seost persists, it is not excluded that the bad breath comes from periodontal disease. Paradontosis is a disease of the supporting structure of the teeth, and is caused by bacteria that form the so-called paradontological pocket that destroys the jawbone. The regular visits to the dentist help early detection and remediation. Unpleasant odour can also be caused by fungal infections and carious teeth. Also, kserostomijata, or dry mouth, also contributes to the development of bacterial infection and unpleasant odour. The lack of saliva may be the result of taking certain medications, problems with salivary glands, or breathing. Bad breath may also be caused by other painful conditions, such as : inflammation of the lungs, chronic inflammation of the sinuses, chronic gastric reflux, diabetes and others.